23/07/2005 - 09h45
Activist does workshop this Saturday in Santo André
Dojival Filho Do Diário do Grande ABC)
(This is an English Translation of the Portuguese original) To assert the importance of the social organization in fighting economic exploitation and totalitarianism, using as theoretical base the libertarian teachings of the psychotherapist Wilhelm Reich
(1897-1957): this is the objective of the workshop that the
North-American musician, activist and amateur film-maker, Nick Cooper
will provide this Saturday, at 4 o'clock, in the office of
the group Ativismo ABC (r. Alcides de Queiroz, 161), in Saint Andres.
Defending the idea of liberating the individual from authoritarian
models of the State, the family and the social groups, Cooper also
intends to discuss the documentary he is producing regarding
Soma Therapy, a technique created by the anarchist psychiatrist Robert
Freire. "I feel that the books of Reich and Soma Therapy are very
important for people to acquire knowledge and question
authoritarianism", he explains.
Other subjects of interest to the activist are the Zapatistas and the
experience of community empowerment, in Chiapas, Mexico. "I went
there this year and saw children receiving education while attending
school, and a conscientious and participating population." A severe
critic of institutions of power, Cooper says that "corruption
is part of the nature of the governments, whether left or right".